Tuesday, March 22, 2011

True Humility is Born in the Presence of Christ

“The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is.” Phillip Brooks

“He, Jesus, understands the relationship of faith: that if anyone continues in loving relationship with Him, it is His love that preserves it, not the love of the other, nor all the piety, nor all the goodness a Christian can muster. …” His heart cries out to His vulnerable Friend, “Peter, Peter, Christian! Soon, in pain, you will discover that it’s not your love, not your goodness or knowledge, or prayer, no, not all your strength that keeps us together. I do that. I alone, your Lord, do that.”

Walter Wangerin Jr., Reliving the Passion

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